- RFC 7917를 살펴보면 ffdhe2048의 p, g의 값이 명시되어 있습니다.
- p를 선택할 때, p가 g와 나눠 떨어지면 안됩니다.
[Step01] Alice와 Bob이 하나의 Prime Number인 g를 선택합니다.
[Step02] Alice와 Bob은 각각 자신의 비밀키로 사용할 임의의 Prime Number를 선택합니다.
X(alice) X(bob)
[Step03] Alice와 Bob은 각각 공개키를 생성하며 해당 키를 상대에게 전송합니다.
y(alice)=g^x(alice) mod p y(bob)=g^x(bob) mod p
[Step04] Alice와 Bob은 상대방의 공개키와 자신의 개인키를 이용하여 키를 획득합니다.
Key=y(bob)^x(alice) mod p Key=y(alice)^x(bob) mod p
DLP(Discrete Logarithm Problem)
- a^x=b를 계산하는 것은 쉽지만 x=log(a)b를 만족하는 x는 구하기는 어렵다는 것에서 나온 문제
- 3^100 mod 23 = 81^25 mod 23 = (23 * 3 + 12)^25 mod 23 = 12^25 mod 23
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class DiffieHellman {
private final String hexStrOfP = "FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF ADF85458 A2BB4A9A AFDC5620 273D3CF1\n"
+ "D8B9C583 CE2D3695 A9E13641 146433FB CC939DCE 249B3EF9\n"
+ "7D2FE363 630C75D8 F681B202 AEC4617A D3DF1ED5 D5FD6561\n"
+ "2433F51F 5F066ED0 85636555 3DED1AF3 B557135E 7F57C935\n"
+ "984F0C70 E0E68B77 E2A689DA F3EFE872 1DF158A1 36ADE735\n"
+ "30ACCA4F 483A797A BC0AB182 B324FB61 D108A94B B2C8E3FB\n"
+ "B96ADAB7 60D7F468 1D4F42A3 DE394DF4 AE56EDE7 6372BB19\n"
+ "0B07A7C8 EE0A6D70 9E02FCE1 CDF7E2EC C03404CD 28342F61\n"
+ "9172FE9C E98583FF 8E4F1232 EEF28183 C3FE3B1B 4C6FAD73\n"
+ "3BB5FCBC 2EC22005 C58EF183 7D1683B2 C6F34A26 C1B2EFFA\n"
+ "886B4238 61285C97 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF";
private final BigInteger p;
private final Integer g;
public BigInteger getX() {
return x;
private final BigInteger x;
private final BigInteger y;
private BigInteger key;
public DiffieHellman() {
this.p = new BigInteger(hexStrOfP.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", ""), 16);
this.g = 2;
this.x = getRandomPrime();
this.y = generatePublicKey();
private BigInteger getRandomPrime() {
int random = (int) (Math.random()*100);
return new BigInteger(String.valueOf(random)).nextProbablePrime();
private BigInteger generatePublicKey() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(g).modPow(x, p);
private void generateKey(BigInteger peerPublicKey) {
this.key = peerPublicKey.modPow(this.x, this.p);
public BigInteger getY() {
return y;
public BigInteger getKey() {
return key;
public void setPeerPublicKey(BigInteger peerPublicKey) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
.append("DeffieHellman (ffdhe2048)\n")
"The 2048-bit group has registry value 256 and is calculated from the following formula: \n")
.append("The modules is: \n")
.append("p = 2^2048 - 2^1984 + {[2^1918 * e] + 560316 } * 2^64 - 1\n\n")
.append("The hexadecimal representation of p is: \n").append(hexStrOfP).append("\n\n")
.append("The generator is: g = ").append(this.g).append("\n\n")
.append("The group size is: q = (p-1)/2\n")
.append("The hexadecimal representation of q is:\n")
.append("The estimated symmetric-equivalent strength of this group is 103 bits.\n")
.append("Peers using ffdhe2048 that want to optimize their key exchange with a\n"
+ "short exponent (Section 5.2) should choose a secret key of at least 225 bits.");
return builder.toString();
public String getHexString(BigInteger intValue) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
String hexString = intValue.toString(16);
int lineCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hexString.length() / 8; i++) {
builder.append(hexString.substring(i * 8, (i * 8) + 8)).append(" ");
if (++lineCount == 6) {
lineCount = 0;
return builder.toString();
public class DiffieHellmanTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DiffieHellman alice = new DiffieHellman();
DiffieHellman bob = new DiffieHellman();
System.out.println("[Alice] PrivateKey: " + alice.getX());
System.out.println("[Bob] PrivateKey: " + bob.getX());
System.out.println("[Alice] PublicKey: " + alice.getY());
System.out.println("[Bob] PublicKey: " + bob.getY());
System.out.println("[Alice] Key: " + alice.getKey());
System.out.println("[Bob] Key: " + bob.getKey());
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